9 Inspired Ways to Center God on Your Travels
To center God on your travels is really to go for the richest possible experience and make the absolute most of the journey. Whether you’re taking a trip and preparing to be away from your ordinary routine and your home church or you’re always traveling like me, this list will help you put God at the center of it all.
1. Pray Without Ceasing
Every moment of our lives can be a conversation with God. This is one of the first things Jesus taught me when I was a new believer. The Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5:17, “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you”
This especially applies when planning a trip. In the case of my upcoming trip to Tbilisi, Georgia, it was actually in prayer (continued into a dream) that I heard the voice of God guiding me to the country.
Whether or not you’ve heard God’s voice clearly telling you to go or not, one of the best ways you can prepare is by praying. I plan to make a blog post sharing how I pray before a trip in more detail but it’s enough to say, just have a conversation with God about your journey.
Intercession, praying on behalf of others, is particularly useful here. Pray for the country and cities you’ll be visiting. Pray for the locals, pray for fellow travelers, pray for divine appointments with people and for God’s will to be done. You will be amazed at what happens when you go!
2. Bring a Bible and Journal
Which brings me beautifully to my next point: Bring a Bible and a journal. A journal for writing down all the amazing things God does and what He speaks to you along the way. It can be so fruitful to read back through your journal later on and see how the Lord grew you.
You’ll also want to have ready access to the word of God. To really center God on your travels, commit to a Bible reading plan. I always love just reading one chapter every morning, studying it, and savoring it throughout the day. It rarely takes more than 10 minutes but it feeds the soul. It’s our daily bread.
3. Get Out of Your Comfort Zone
This seems especially important if you’re going on a mission trip where you might be tasked with evangelizing, praying for healing, and casting out demons. But the reality is that Jesus asks us all in Matthew 28:19-20 “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Pray that you would be aware of the great commission and the opportunities God is giving you to fulfill it. It might seem daunting but Jesus says He is with us always. I find it helpful to remember His love above all. His love for others and His love for us. He doesn’t want us to suffer, so I believe there is an abundance of good on the other side of that brief moment of discomfort.
4. Marvel at Creation
You can center God on your travels simply by giving credit where credit is due. When you look at all the beauty around you – the rising and setting sun, the mountains, the ocean, the people, and their unique culture – acknowledge the God who created it all.
Just be present. Take it all in. Marvel at his power and his beauty.
May I also suggest a “Jesus Date” where you literally go on a date with Jesus. This is a time to focus on Him, talk to Him, and let Him surprise and delight you in a happy, little foreign town which isn’t at all foreign to Him.
5. Stay Flexible
With that said, an important part of centering God on your travels is recognizing that your perfectly planned out itinerary is not always what God has in mind. Be flexible enough to listen to the still, small voice inside that may tell you to skip that walking tour and visit a certain park instead.
Pray for eyes to see and ears to hear because if you follow Him, there will likely be something for you wherever He leads. Someone to smile at, someone to help, or even someone to pray for and introduce to Jesus. You’re His hands and feet on Earth, so be flexible to his guidance and the ways He prompts you. You never know what may come of it!
6. Attend a Local Church
God once stopped me in my tracks and told me to go to the next service of a church I passed by in Fort Collins, CO. For good reason, it led to my salvation! Now I always research local churches wherever I’m going and try to visit while I’m there.
It’s such an enormous blessing to have family and Christian communities all over the world. You’re never alone in your faith and attending a local church service is a great way to meet other Christians and experience the diversity in the body of Christ.
Church is a sure fire way to center God on your travels and if you’re ever not able to find one in person, I love Life.Church online.
7. Make a Point to Worship
To connect to the last point, attending a local church service presents a great opportunity to worship with the congregation. Do that. Another thing could be making your own worship playlist and breaking it out while in transit or sightseeing.
I also want to encourage you to make Christian friends on your trip because there’s nothing better than a spontaneous little worship set in a town square or on a hillside at sunset. As this blog grows, I’m having all sorts of ideas on how to bring my Christian travel community together more often for such a worthwhile thing as worship wherever we may be!
8. Do Something to Give Back
If you’ve ever gone on a mission trip, you know there is usually always some good old fashioned physical labor. Missionaries build houses, cook for the hungry, do medical brigades… you know, works! We want to share the love of the Lord in tangible ways. That’s great but you may not have a team or be plugged in enough to know how you can physically be of assistance.
Consider asking the local church or a local missionary how you can help out. If you don’t hear back, there are websites like VolunteerMatch.org or Idealist.org that can help. You can always pick up trash or buy food for the homeless. Don’t underestimate how big of an impact little acts of service can make. Just the impression you’re likely to make on the people around is worth it.
9. Let Your Beliefs Be Challenged
There is amazing diversity in the body of Christ. Don’t be afraid to let your beliefs be challenged. Sure, you want to maintain the integrity of your faith but you’ll come to realize God moves in mysterious ways.
Maybe you don’t really believe God still performs miracles or heals people but be open to it. He does! Maybe you’ve always been solemn in church, well try seeking God in a new way. If the locals chant and wail, just be open-minded enough to not put God in a box. You might walk away with a new perspective on who God is and how He works. Remember He made each one of us unique and He speaks to each of us in His own unique way.
This post is dedicated to the beautiful light on Earth that was Joanna Mead.
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